A word about our barrel tops. All of the whiskey tops that you see have been lovingly preserved. Each top is reinforced for longevity and then conditioned with Tung oil and finished with Polyurethan. Only then are they ready to become a table or a tray or whatever their new life may be!
Eldenwood Designs was born this year after I lost my job of 32 years due to COVID. Not one to let the grass grow under my feet I worked on improving my golf game and becoming the chief gardener at our home. But I needed something more - something creative to do.
Flash back to a year ago. I was shopping at a local Christmas market with friends and we discovered a stack of whiskey barrel lids. I was intrigued, so I bought one. I had no plans but began working on the top. Sanding, staining and refinishing it. I thought about making a table - so the hunt was on for the perfect base. After scouring antique stores we found a wonderful old wine rack - and the first table was born.
I really enjoy this work and the hunt for interesting tables, stools, racks, etc. to create tables. I have spent the last few months discovering all sorts of interesting options! It has been fun.
I am excited to share my new found craftiness and creativity with others. I value your feedback. And I am looking to continue to broaden my designs and offerings - so please visit often.
Please reach out to me if you are interested in something that you see or would like to see.
Thanks -
Copyright © 2021 Eldenwood Designs - All Rights Reserved.